A Simple Fashion Guide For Men

Getting ahead of the others necessitate a fundamental knowledge on men’s fashion. How you look greatly determines how other people would treat you. It is then important that you make a good and lasting impression if you want to advance in your personal life.

While the younger generations are more lax about dress codes, it is still vital to know the appropriate wardrobe for a particular setting. Some attire is suitable for the workplace while some are better left in your closet for weekends or parties. There are a couple of fashion rules and terms that is essential to know, especially for a man. This guarantees that you only not dress appropriately for whatever setting or event, you also give the impression that you are a man of taste and sophistication.

Black Tie

If you receive an invitation asking you to come to a black-tie party or event, it simply means that you have to wear formal attire. Weddings and formal office functions require a black-tie suit. It is best to arrive at these event or functions wearing as urbane tuxedo, a white ribbed or pleated dress shirt, a cummerbund, a stylish silk bow-tie and polished black shoes. If you don’t own a tuxedo, you can always go to a menswear shop and rent. It’s not as costly as a new tux although you might want to consider investing in one for future use.

Professional Attire

You don’t have to be in your tuxedo when you’re going to your workplace. Corporate wardrobe is usually composed of a standard suit and necktie with proper accessories. Professional attire offers a lot of room for your creativity if you want to make a statement or cultivate your personal style. Don’t get stuck with the usual colors other men wear in your office. Be different. Wear a pink shirt or yellow tie. Dare to wear what others would not even think of wearing. Mix and match your dress shirts with your tie and add a little zing by wearing distinct fashion accessories like pocket squares or cufflinks to enhance your look.


While women are known to make accessories part of their daily attire, it always helps to add an accessory or two even in men’s wear. A wristwatch and a ring, a watch and a bracelet, a ring and a pair of cufflinks, or even a pair of stunning classic cufflinks alone will make any man wearing a plain dress shirt look like he’s ready to strut on a runway. If he can be playful, he can also explore his style and also choose from a wide variety of cufflink designs and match it with his other accessories.

Casual Shoes

Flip flops, sneakers and running shoes are the “in” thing nowadays. Rarely would you see younger people wearing loafers or dress shoes in the office. But in spite of these recent trends, it is still protocol that men wear proper shoes in the workplace. Some wear their suits with sneakers-and don’t, even for a moment, think it looks cool and trendy. Save your flip flops and running shoes for the weekends. For the office, wear some nice loafers or slip on dress shoes.


The t-shirt industry has spent thousand of dollars manufacturing millions of t-shirts every year. T-shirts come in different colors-name it, you’ll have it-and in different fabrics too. It’s light and comfy and it’s perfect to wear everywhere at any day but not the office. There is no room for a t-shirt, silk or cotton, in the corporate setting. Be aware.


A lot of companies have allowed their employees to wear jeans in the office. While some think jeans are professional, they don’t produce a great impression as compared to a nice pair of comfortable slacks. Leave your jeans at home and save it for a more casual setting.

Still, if you’re not convinced at which attire is professional enough, ask for a second opinion before you get out of your house. Ask your girlfriend, your wife or a fashion conscious friend if a mens wear specialist is not available at hand. There’s nothing wrong with asking. Besides, it’s always best to plan for your wardrobe.

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