Why Fashion Really Does Matter

Fashion is often dismissed as a frivolous frippery, a nonsense, something that really does not matter at all. Those without an interest in the topic can often be more than scathing about it. But those people are missing something. Fashion really does matter. Here are just a few of the reasons why this subject and the industry it has spawned should definitely not be underestimated or ignored:

The Fashion Industry Employs Millions

The fashion industry is one on which many people around the world rely. From those who design the clothes, in their rarefied world, to those who model them, in a world replete with unrealistic expectations and unreasonable demands, to the millions who graft, sometimes in horrific circumstances, to manufacture the clothes we all wear. Yes, the fashion industry most definitely has its problems, but that makes it even more true that it really does matter. People who say that fashion does not matter are dismissing the daily concerns of many people around the world. It matters very much and that is why we should do what we can to help reform the industry.

Fashion Can Change the World

Fashion can help people to show who they are, to show an affinity to a certain group, to show their political and social affiliations and to make a statement about where they have come from, where they are and where they are going. Throughout history, a widespread change in the way people dress has often been a huge part of societal change. Think of the 1960s. It could be argued that liberation in dress, in fashion, filtered through and brought about liberation of different kinds. Fashion can be a world-changing thing. We have to change and in a more sustainable future, a reformed fashion industry will have to be part of the system. Fashion can help us change the world for the better.

Fashion is A Form of Creative Expression

Fundamentally, fashion is about creative expression. We can each of us use fashion to express to those around us information about who we really are. As such, fashion can be a key part of an individuals personal growth and development, helping each person become more confidence and more assured in who they are underneath. Fashion, for all its flaws, is about art and creativity, which is one of the most important elements of humanity, one of the things that sets human beings apart. Who could possibly say that that does not matter?

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The History of Urban Clothing

Urban clothing first started to appear in the early 1980s to reflect the hip-hop culture that was emerging at the time. In a similar manner to the music itself, the fashions and clothing have changed, matured and evolved over the years into what we know see worn all around the […]
The History of Urban Clothing

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