How to Become an Image Consultant

Image consultants have some of the hottest jobs in the business world today, thanks to the world of television and shows like Extreme Makeover, Queer Eye for Straight Guy, What to Wear and What Not to Wear. Image consultants give advice to other clients advising them on their style and help them to achieve their wishes – whether it’s a new job, or simply boosting their self-esteem. In making people look good, image consultants offer services such as:

Makeover Consultant or Image Analysis

You give feedback to people and help them build or change their overall image.

Wardrobe Consultant or Fashion Stylist

This job is about reviewing clients’ current wardrobe and then sorting outfits that need to be disposed of and deciding which should be purchased; in short, coordinating clients’ outfits and wardrobe organizing.

Makeup Consultant

You would give advice to clients on their makeup as well on specific aspects of their image, such as physical appearance – colors, hairstyle, skincare, etc.

Image usually portrays a person’s appearance or looks. But beyond this, people also form impression about someone based on the way a person talks as well as their behavior. Therefore as an image consultant, it would be your job to advise clients on issues such as:

o Verbal Communication-Clear diction, voice, vocabulary and proper language.

o Body Language- Rectify the client’s body language and non-verbal cues, such as handshake, eye contact and posture.

o Etiquettes-Teaching clients business etiquette, as well as social graces such as table manners.

Other than consulting your clients, you can also form a network of all strategic partners so that you can refer your clients to, such as hairstylists, makeup artists, dentists, dieticians, plastic surgeons, personal trainers and diction coaches.

Image consultants have the chance to help anyone who needs help improving the way they are perceived.

o You can work with women who want to change their look.

o Work with job seekers

o Handle the image of corporate executives

o Handle beauty pageant contestants

o You can also handle lawyers, as well as their clients

o Boost the morale of cancer survivors

o Modify looks of the television personalities

o Work with politicians

o Work with singles who seek partners

Many people appoint image consultants, even corporate clients. Companies hire image consultants to advise new managers on how to communicate with their employees, or even coach a senior executive to leave a lasting impression during media appearances.

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